In October, Voice of Hope headed back to Kakamega, Kenya to continue their partnership with Everlyne and Martha. A team of 8 women, led by HFL leaders Lauri and Sue, were involved in women’s health and safety teaching, widow care, agricultural and money management training, among other activities.
Team Testimonials:
“I really saw the need to depend and rely on God in all circumstances.”
“The widow visits were definitely my highlight. Seeing the look on their faces when we arrived and the joy the team brought to them was amazing.”
“It humbled me to lean on the Lord as our widows do.”
“Because of this trip, I will look for moments and times that I can help and not to become apathetic.”
“This trip has made me realize (again) what the faith of people who have nothing but God looks like.”
“God is God—We need to leave the brokenness and ‘hard stories’ in His sovereign control.”